If you’d jump on the scale and scream “Lose 20lbs!” What are the chances of weight loss??
Unless you stay on the scale for the next 6 months and don’t eat anything it isn’t going to happen.
You have no control over how much you weigh.
What can we control when it comes to sustainable health?
Your weight is known as an outcome goal.
The only thing we can control is what you do on a daily bases.
You can control your level of daily exercises and activity.
You can control what you consume and whether or not you eat better and make healthier choices.
This is known as behavioral goals.
By focusing on your outcome goals (i.e. your weight) you’ve got yourself a recipe for yo-yo dieting.
On your weight loss journey there are going to be days/weeks where you lose weight and other times when you don’t. (We will be discussing why this happens in the coming weeks.)
When you focus on the scale alone, on the days you the number appears lower, you’ll feel motivated.
However, on the days you don’t lose weight you’ll probably feel frustrated. ‘Why put in all the hard work if you aren’t getting the results?’
Focus Your Attention On Behavioral Goals
Instead of focusing on your outcome goals direct your attention towards your behavioral goals.
As we mentioned at the beginning, your weight isn’t something you can control.
When you do the right actions (behavior) you will get the results you want.
The moment you stop doing the actions is the moment the weight comes back on.
When we focus on the outcome goal alone there is no focus on building the solid foundation you need to maintain and sustain your health and weight loss goals.
Since the attention is now on what you are doing instead of the results, you learn to love the journey and end up building the good habits required to achieve long term success.
“Success is a journey, not a destination. The doing is often more important than the outcome.”
“Who you are tomorrow begins with what you do today.”.
Committed to your success,